La scienza presso le civilta precolombiane. La metallurgia andina
Heather Lechtman
La metallurgia andina
L'area metallurgica centroandina comprende i moderni Ecuador, Perù e le zone settentrionali della [...] look at the process of innovation, edited by Sander E. van der Leeuw and Robin Rex, Precolumbian metallurgy of Northwest Argentina, in: Pre-Columbian : Lechtman, Heather, Copper-arsenic bronzes from the North coast of Peru, "Annals of the New York ...
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OREGON (A. T., 138-139)
Stato della Confederazione nordamericana; si affaccia al Pacifico tra 42° e 46° 18′ di latitudine N. e tra 116° 33′ e 124° 32′ di longitudine O. Ha [...] id., Memoir, historical and political, on the northwest coast of North America, Washington 1840; G. Hines, Oregon, its of a long journey from the Atlantic Ocean to the region of the Pacific by land, from the notes of J. B. Wyeth, Cambridge 1833; G. ...
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L'archeologia del Vicino Oriente antico. La Mesopotamia
Francesca Baffi
Frances Pinnock
Rita Dolce
Antonio Invernizzi
Roberta Venco Ricciardi
Carlo Lippolis
Hartmut Kühne
Gian Maria Di Nocera
Roger [...] Excavations at Tell Leilan and the Origins of North Mesopotamian Cities in the Third Millennium B.C., Discovery in 1843-1844 by Botta and Flandin, Paris 94; Y. Tombaechi, Wall Paintings from the Northwest Palace at Nimrud. Aššurnasirpal II, 883-859 B ...
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Vedi PALAZZO dell'anno: 1963 - 1996
PALAZZO (v. vol. V, p. 850)
R. Dolce
N. Cucuzza
C. Cecamore
L. Asor Rosa
C. Cecamore
C. Lo Muzio
M. Orioli
p. 850). Egitto. - Le più antiche vestigia di un ρ. [...] Relief Representations and Their Positions in the Northwest-Palace at Kalhu (Nimrūd), 2. Rooms A City-State and Royal Centre in North Israel, Monaco 1989, passim.
(R. Report on the Excavations Conducted by the British Institute of Persian Studies ...
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L'archeologia dell'Iran. La protostoria
Massimo Vidale
Bruno Genito
Raffaele Biscione
Stefano Pracchia
Peter Calmeyer
Robert H. Dyson Jr.
Bruno Overlaet
Sandro Salvatori
William M. Sumner
Carl [...] Id., Geographical Studies in the Neo-Assyrian Zagros, II. The North-Eastern Zagros and the Great Khorasan Road, ibid., 12 (1974 197-212; M. de Schauensee, Northwest Iran as a Bronzeworking Center. The e in una stretta trincea (BY 8) oltre le mura, da ...
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L'archeologia del Subcontinente indiano. La regione dell'Indo
Marco Ferrandi
Pierfrancesco Callieri
Anna Filigenzi
Federica Barba
Giovanni Verardi
Luca Colliva
La regione dell'indo
di Marco Ferrandi
Il [...] Mohenjo-Daro Carried out by the Government of India between the Identification of an Achaemenian and Mauryan Horizon in North-Pakistan, in AMI, n.s., 17 (1984), Urban Position of Taxila and its Place in Northwest India-Pakistan, in H. Spodek - D.M ...
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S. Pracchia
P. Callieri
Protostoria. - Nel Belucistan pakistano, regioni del Makran e Jhalawan, le ricerche archeologiche presero avvio negli anni '20 con H. Hargreaves, ma fino all'inizio [...] 86-92; B. De Cardi, Exploration by Foreign Archaeological Missions: British Expedition to Kalat, Art as Clue to the Cultural History of North Pakistan, in PkA, X-XXII, 1974- Position of Taxila and Its Place in Northwest India-Pakistan, in H. Spodek, D ...
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